I see twenty-five sets of missionaries on my computer screen. I can flip forward and see at least three other sets of twenty-five in the Zoom display. We are learning from each other in our twice-weekly, remotely distanced, mission meetings. President Reeves has just explained that we are now in a level of lockdown that missionaries are not to meet with anyone in their homes for any reason, even with masks. The effect is subtle, but apparent: a head drops to the desk, other heads shake, unheard groans are almost audible. The President continues, then a spiritual thought is given by one of the sister missionaries.
She speaks clearly and talks about the value of feeling vulnerable, of learning from discouragement. The group of sisters in her portion of the Zoom screen suddenly disappear as their little pane goes dark. She resets the dome light and a voice is heard: "ready for Log-in." They continue, unaffected by the interruption. Another of the sisters reads a scripture and the thought concludes and all are smiles and we feel hopeful.
I realize that others are also participating in the Zoom meeting from their cars. I count 17 darker mini-windows. These faithful missionaries join the regular meeting, even though they do not have sufficient wireless nor cell reception in their apartments. Our vehicles serve as a place to meet remotely, wherever they can find the proper reliable connection. With not being able to meet people in person, our cars are even more needed as the place to communicate remotely.
Always facing the unexpected, our good missionaries follow the Spirit in finding ways to adapt through current restrictions. The joy I see in their faces on the screen lets me know that the Lord works miracles when His servants are willing to be led by Him. Through this trust in Him, they conquer the adversary in these troubled times.