Saturday, June 21, 2014

Another baptism in Ravensburg!

We have had a wonderful culmination of a great week. Ralf was baptized today. He was contacted by the Elders 7 weeks ago on the street. He says that he was walking and for some strange reason decided to take a little different route and encountered the elders. They talked with him about life and he mentioned some recent losses in his life. They read some scriptures and invited him to church. He promised he would come. (The missionaries hear such promises all the time.) He actually came to church! He is a man of his word. He has also since read the entire Book of Mormon and is reading it again.

Since then, it has been a wonderful experience being involved with his lessons. He has also attended all of our Institute classes, so I have been his teacher as well.

He was baptized this afternoon in the font of the Dornbirn, Austria chapel, and will be confirmed tomorrow in Sacrament meeting here in Ravensburg.

I am now tired, but very happy, so this is the end of my post.


  1. What an awesome day for everyone! Thanks for taking care of my Elder for me!
