Monday, September 12, 2016

As a Hen Gathers

As you all may have noticed, I have not posted much lately. We have finished our mission and entered some significant changes in our lives. I intend to spend a little time now recording some of my thoughts that developed in the past few months in our mission.

Here is the first of several thoughts.

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The other day, as I was reading in the Book of Mormon, in my studies, I reviewed the phrase Christ used in saying that He would gather us as a hen gathers her chicks. I was waiting in the temple at the time, reading in third Nephi. The thought occurred to me how a hen really gathers her chicks. Having lived with chickens a lot as I was growing up, I recalled how she calls with a specific, steady, but quiet clucking sound. The chicks listening, respond very quickly, usually to see what is the focus of her attention, often something nice to eat, but as the Savior uses the phrase, it is for her to bring them under her wings for safety. We, too, are familiar with our Savior's quiet voice, though we often drown it out with the noise of daily life and concerns. Whereas the chicks are immediately ready to respond to her call, we usually have other things occupying our attention and do not hear nor respond to those quiet, steady call of the spirit and miss the outstretched arms of our Lord, waiting to bring us under His protection.

The metaphor is used by Jesus at the end of his ministry, recorded in Matthew, chapter 23 and Luke chapter 13 - also as I discovered it in 3 Nephi 10. I also found it better described in the Doctrine and Covenants, mentioning the voice:

D&C 29:2 Who will gather his people even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, even as many as will hearken to my voice and humble themselves before me, and call upon me in mighty prayer.

May we be always ready to respond to His call and come to his protection in this world of trouble and concern.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I will listen to His voice today and this week. Thanks for sharing, Dad!
