I have been impressed lately in my scripture reading by the understanding that scriptural word is very important. It started as I read and realized from Christ's teachings among the Nephites that most of what He said to them was drawn from - and quoted from - written scripture. His direct words and council were, and are, vital to us - and still - He quotes from the writings of the prophets.
The first "why?" that comes to me is that He wanted to impress the people the when He was no longer with them, and they would begin to forget the sound of His voice and words, that it would be clear to them how to keep the feelings of the Spirit fresh - by reading the words of the prophets.
Then I thought about my past experiences and interactions with people in our work how the "language of the Spirit" is learned by reading and re-reading the scriptures. It is not just the words that are written or spoken, but rather the process of teaching us to learn to hear and understand the language of the Spirit that comes from scripture. The words on the page teach us many things, but the more important teaching that comes is attuning our spirits to the Spirit of the Holy Ghost and what we learn as we read and ponder the scriptures. That is why as we re-read passages we have read many times before, that new understanding comes, but especially that we are told how to apply what we learn in our daily walk in life, either for our own betterment and also our interactions with those around us.
Also, in chapters 31 and 32 of Second Nephi we read of the "tongue of Angels." Is that the language of the Spirit? What is the "tongue of Angels?" I really believe that our spoken and written language falls well short of the power of the language of the Spirit. It goes directly to our souls, our hearts. Scripture passages remain in our memory as gentle and loving impressions, but as we recall these words, there is also a remembrance of the effect of those words upon our spirits. It opens our minds and souls to feel more impressive thoughts - and inspires the desire to be the Hands of the Lord as we look outward to our fellow travelers in life with compassion and love. His love is truly manifest in the words and language of the Spirit.
An example of this was found as I read from second Nephi (2 Ne 27:11) that the sealed writings will be read to the world "by the power of Christ." I see that as how scriptures are really brought into our souls - the power of Christ through the Holy Ghost.
Often, we are like the people of Athens (Acts 17:21) always looking for "some new thing" when what we need to do is to learn to understand what we already have in scriptures and learn from the language of the Spirit - such is best learned from studying and pondering the scriptures - and from the temple ordinances and ceremonies. Nephi also shows the example of the Jews of his time as "looking beyond the mark." I am continually amazed at how much more I find as I re-read and ponder what we already have. So much is opened up by the spirit as I read. I realize how much I still need to learn - that I am still a child in my perspective.
All we do in life is meaningless unless we learn to understand how to learn from the Spirit. Were the Savior to be physically with us, what would He teach us? He would teach us how to continue true by being close to the Spirit and in that way continue to grow. It is through the words of the prophets - ancient and modern - and through feasting on their words.
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