Sunday, May 19, 2024

Old Flat, New House

 We spent the first six months (and a half) in our flat in Dargaville. The mission moved two young missionary elders in to serve in Dargaville, and therefore, they needed to be moved into our flat and we needed to find a new place. After a bit of research, and help from local members, a house was found that exceeded our expectations. It is in the community of Bayly's Beach, about 15 minutes west of Dargaville, right on the ocean (Tasman Sea).

Our first place was a house that sits back behind another house on Plunket Street. It was OK and we adjusted well to it, but it had its quirks. The entry door was a sliding glass door (as was an outside door to our bedroom right next to that door). 

small tree, lots of yummy lemons

One fun fact of that place was the lemon tree in the back.

above: our home, below, the view from our home towards the ocean

Anyway, last week we moved into our new home in Bayly's Beach. We are now quite a ways from stores and petrol stations, but we are often in town anyway, so that is not an issue.

One nice thing is that we hear the ocean at night and it is possible to walk to the beach from our place.

I took a couple of hikes in the past few days. Most of the days since we moved in we have been so busy, we have not been able to do much or see a sunset here. Saturday I took my first hike down to the beach before a busy day. This morning, I took another hike, a little different way that was not as steep.

One nice thing about being in Bayly's Beach is that we are nearer some members, most of which are not currently attending meetings with us. Another one is close who is active. With us now in this home, the Elders can now live in town instead of traveling an hour each way from their current place with other elders in Whangarei.

1 comment:

  1. What a great documentation of this transition, with fun personal details like the lemon tree and your walks!
