Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A calling to serve - two separate and together, trusting in the Lord

 In Alma 8, and onward, we have the story of Alma and Amulek in their preaching to the wicked people of Ammonihah. As I read that record a little I noticed the difference in each of their calls and instruction.

Both Alma and Amulek were visited by an angel, actually the same angel who first visited Alma prior to his conversion. 

When he appeared and spoke with Alma, Alma was discouraged and about to give up on the people of Ammonihah forever. He was first comforted and blessed and then told to go back "speedily" to tell the people of Ammonihah to repent or they would be destroyed by the Lamanites, a very specific warning.

The angel must have appeared to Amulek at almost the same moment, based on the timing of their meeting soon afterwards. Amulek had been "journeying" to visit a "very near" family member.

The instructions to Amulek was simply to return to his house and that he would meet a prophet, "a holy man, who is a chosen man of God" and to feed him.

Both of these men were traveling and were told to turn around and return to the city, probably the same time. Amulek was still on the way returning to his house when he met Alma, who was still returning on his way back to the city. The timing is interesting.

Alma had been fasting in his concern about his work with the wicked people of Ammonihah. As he enetered the city, he "happened" to meet Amulek, whom he petitioned for some food "as a humble servant of God." Amulek had been commanded to receive him into his house and to feed him and promised that he and his house would be blessed. It is interesting to note that even with this blessing, Amulek's father, Giddonah, was one of those who turned against Alma and Amulek in the end. He (Amulek's father) was specifically listed as one of those who were blessed by Alma among his household in this initial experience.

The two sets of instruction are interesting in what they did and did not request of these two men. Alma was told simply to return to the city and to resume his teaching and prophesying. Amulek was asked to receive the prophet into his house and to feed him.

Alma received the blessing of that reception not knowing what to expect on his return to this hostile place. Amulek was not told to call his own people to repentance. Both did what was asked of him and encountered what was not expected. Amulek was then taught and blessed. 

Alma had, up to this point, fasted for "many days." He remained in the house of Amulek then for "many days."

It was important, first, for Amulek to see the fulfillment of the angel's prediction, complying with the instrcutions given by the angel. Alma, tired and hungry, did not immediately start preaching and proclaiming to the people of their impending doom.

The angel set up this "training session" without much instruction. Each party did what was required and then followed into the next steps as led by the spirit. Alma had not been told about meeting and training his new missionary companion. Amulek was not told about his upcoming dangerous and blessed mission, that we know, based on the scriptural account. Each stepped forward with faith, obeying the angel of the Lord and his specific instructions. The results, both the blessed and the tragic, came by their obedience and trust in the Lord.

Even though there were many great and wonderful blessings resulting from this experience: the blessing of Amulek and his house; the conversion of Zeezrom, who became a great missionary as well; some of the people freed from the wicked oppression of the ruling clergy of Ammonihah. There were also some of the most tragic consequences found in the writings of the Book of Mormon: the burning of believers, including women and children of the believing men, along with their scriptures, also the threatened burning death of Alma and Amulek themselves.

Alma and Amulek learned when to use the power of God, and when not to. It was only after their oppressors — in their mocking and jeering them in prison, proclaimed that they would believe that the Lord had power to destroy them, if they were to be delivered by God, and spoken by every one of these oppressors — that Alma and Amulek were then delivered, to the astonished destruction of these oppressors.

Much sorrow and grief came to the people, but those who were delievered — driven out or rescued by God — were blessed and joined the welcoming people of Sidom.

Soon after this, the entire city of Ammonihah was destroyed by warring Lamanites. 

The imprisonment and release of Alma and Amulek happened around February of 81 BC (12th day, 10th month, 10th year of the judges. The city was then destroyed by Lamanites on the 5th day of the 2nd month of the 11th year of the judges (about June), a week less than four months later.

Amulek first met Alma on the 4th day of the 7th month of the 10th year (about November), so this whole experience lasted about nine months, from their meeting until the destruction of Ammonihah.

Zeezrom was healed from his distraught sickness brought upon by sore repentance, then faith, to become a great missionary as well. Amulek continued to be a great servant of the Lord. Many people were blessed in the process.

The work of these missionaries began with the two companions being called separately, given very different initial instructions, and ended with both great blessings and great destruction. We never will know what will come of our missionary efforts. The Lord directs us and we serve with diligence and trust.

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