Tuesday, December 25, 2012

German game and the mission

On Monday evening, We were playing a game we have and I noticed how much it matched the mission where we are going to be serving. The game is called Thurn und Taxis and is based on the history of the development of the postal system in Germany. It works around building the routes between the cities on the game map. The cities include many which are in the boundaries of our Alpine German Speaking mission (I list those with wards and branches):

Switzerland: Zurich, Basel (wards in both)
Austria: Innsbruck (branch), Salzburg (ward), Linz (wards)
Freiburg (ward)
Stuttgart (ward)
Sigmaringen (west of Ravensburg Branch)
Ulm (branch)
Augsburg (ward)
Kempten (east of Ravensburg Branch)
Ingolstadt (branch)
München (Munich has 4 wards)
Passau (branch)

Not in the mission: (Germany) Carlsruhe, Mannheim, Würzburg, Nürnberg
Czech Republic: Budweis (now Budějovice) and PIlsen (now Plzeň)
Poland: Lodz (now Łódź )

I thought it might be interesting to see. Here is a photo of the map game board, (too small to read).

I assume the postal system has improved since those days (just kidding!)

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A side note...
I have been helping a neighbor with his genealogy and he has a line that comes from those parts of the Czech Republic. Back then it was controlled by Austria and was called Böhmen, known in English as Bohemia. Germany had a far reach back then (way before the 1900s).
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We are greatly anticipating our work with the wonderful people of that region.

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