Thursday, February 28, 2013

Around town (again)

The past week has been good. We had some more teaching appointments with the Elders and enjoyed helping. Also, we helped a member clean out a store that had gone out of business. In the process, we visited some new areas of the town and I have some pictures here.

The first picture has a number of interesting things to point out. First, it shows a very small lane where the Missionaries live, also where the store is where we spent the day today. Notice how narrow the road is. One small car fits. We have been down it many times as we visited the elders apartment. Their apartment is the upper window in the center of the picture, the building back a ways on the left side of the little street. Also, the cross street is named GrĂ¼ner-Turm Strasse, or Green Tower street. Before the war, it was called "Jew Street."

The next picture is of the tower at the end of the street as it continues behind me. It shows a tower. They told me that it was not tall enough to have a name. in the distance you see the Green Tower.

Next is a view down (east) along Green Tower street. It shows a few churches and towers in that direction.

The last two are of a path (stairs) that leads over the hill between the south part of town as a short cut to our apartment. We tried it (and probably should not have). One looks down from where we stopped for a breather, the other one looks up. You cannot see the top of the trail.


  1. What purpose do or did the towers serve? Are there a lot of them in your city?

    Your "short-cut" looks like a path for young people! Up, up, up! It looks almost rural with the bushes and trees.

    1. The area is heavily wooded, but is still in the city. Because of the steepness of the hill, they haven't built much around it. There doesn't seem to be much difference between what young people and everybody else does around here. Of course, those with difficulties getting around don't climb these trails or ride bicycles, but we see people of all ages, including upper middle age, on these paths and bicycles all the time.

  2. Nice trail! Gellert Hill would be no problem for the two of you :)...

  3. Wow! Beautiful scenery, thank you for the photos and update! ~Sarah
