Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

We arrived in Provo and were welcomed at the MTC. There are a lot of other missionary couples here with us, going to all parts of the world.  We found another couple going to our mission in Germany. She will be  a mission nurse and  he served a mission in Hamburg back at the end of the 1960's.

Today we are learning how to teach. The focus of this week is to be "Preach My Gospel" missionaries. We have some wonderful returned missionaries who are helping us and guiding our learning. Our Elder returned from serving in Denmark.

It is really cold here. It was 10° this morning. Since there are so many of us, we are among those where are being housed in the Marriott hotel in town. It is pretty plush for missionary accommodations.

Tonight we are going to have a devotional with a general authority. I should be a great experience.


  1. It has actually been colder each morning since then. It is already 4 here (8:30 PM) so I expect it to be about 0 or lower tomorrow morning (Friday).
