Thursday, January 3, 2013

More from MTC

We are having a wonderful time (as long as we stay warm indoors).

It is amazing how different the approach is now in missionary training from what we had before. I even expected that we would be reciting D & C 4 in a meeting, but that has not happened. Instead we are studying the best way to bless people's lives.

The purpose is "Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end."  It is  remarkable to see how the Lord works with us even in our role-playing as we practice teaching people.

The MTC is quite full. New regular missionaries arrived yesterday and we could see the change. They say that by early Spring, they will be past capacity. The setup for the Senior Missionaries is pretty much all in a nearly chapel now, and not in the MTC itself. Some are housed in the MTC (not us), but all else takes place in the church. They are still working at figuring out how it all works, though we don't see any lack of organization or anything like that. It is wonderful. We are enjoying getting to know so many great people from all over. I have been enjoying my visits with a brother who was born in Oak City and knows all of our relatives there.

One thing Shauna and I learned is that after our training tomorrow, we have nothing that we need to be here for until we fly to Germany next Monday, so we are allowed to come home after sessions Friday afternoon. That will help us catch up on a few things before we leave the hemisphere.

All we have to do is not freeze to death in sunny Provo...


  1. Did you evade the flu bug being in separate quarters?

  2. Yes, that helped. We took precautions. There were many who were sick. It was an intestinal problem, not airbourne. We are fine.
