Wednesday, May 22, 2013


We have a game at home that we play sometimes. It is called "Thurn and Taxis." One of the cities shown in the game map is set apart in its own category. I wondered at the time we played it whether it was a real, current-day city in Germany. Well, last Monday we went there and visited the castle there. It is less than 60 kilometers from our home (about 37 miles). This is the town and castle of Sigmaringen. It was the residence of the Hollenzollern dynasty (line of local kings). They did not allow photos inside the castle, but we got these fun pictures.

This shield contains the words (in latin) at the bottom:
Nothing without God

Sister B in a local roadway. The building behind her has a name on it that interested us.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos! What an incredible place and LOVE the building behind Oma. Do you think they would let us have it :)?

    Those silly places and their no-photos policy :S. Oh well, the outside was beautiful and your angles and shots are wonderful :).
