Friday, May 3, 2013

Spring, Storks and visits

We travelled out to visit two of our faithful sisters of the branch yesterday. They both live quite a ways off in the western part of the branch, one actually just barely outside the boundaries. They are both anticipating long trips to America soon, one to family in Post Falls, Idaho and the other to visit her mother in Ogden, UT. We had wonderful visits with them.

As we traveled, we could see the changes in nature as Spring has arrived. Things are so much greener than before. The birds are amazing and it is nice to finally see the new life come after the long winter. Here are some pictures. Most are from the area of Deggenhausertal and the last three are from Affeberg, near Salem, Germany, where they have storks nesting on the building rooftops. They are huge birds and were amazing to see.

I included the one with the crucifix because they are found everywhere, along the roads, in the fields, in the churches (of course) and in many places in little shrines in the cities and towns. That one is in a very remote area along the country road.


  1. That's incredible! You actually saw the storks in the nest? It reminds me of a book I read with my kids called "The Wheel on the School." It's old enough, you might be able to download it and read it...a fun book about storks in a more northern part of Europe, even if I can't remember which place.

    Sigh. Missing Germany. It is so beautiful there. Thanks for the photos!

  2. Do the citizens there still believe storks nesting on the house tops bring good luck?
