Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Party 2013

On the 7th we had our Branch Christmas party. Sister B and I worked on a number of things in preparation for it (she did the most, of course). We had planned for a Nativity enactment, something like what we have done at home. The Germans sometimes do a similar presentation, so they really got into it as well. 

one of our angels.

Three wise men, of course.

Mary and Joseph were overwhelmed

some of the sheep having a conference

There was a simple meal planned. At least we thought it was simple, until so much started showing up. The idea was to have sandwiches and cakes, so we made up a big batch of Chicago Italian beef. It turned out that everybody brought a whole lot so it was not possible to even get a taste of everything.

We had a music section planned, but there was already so much going, we did not do it. (We did sing some Christmas hymns during the Nativity, though).

After the dinner and everything, a man in a red hat (I guess he did not want to put on the red robe...), gave out goodie bags to the children.
We had a lot of people come who do not usually come to church, including several non-members. We all had a good time.

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