Wednesday, December 25, 2013

December Missionary Gatherings

Merry Christmas. We are heading out in a few minutes to a church concert where Derick is singing, but I wanted to get these pictures posted first. They show our elders in various meetings - two district meetings and the last ones are this morning at our house on Christmas day. Don't be alarmed by the last one. They made a smoothie of a lot of dark berries. I had to get the picture before they cleaned it up. The schnitzel hammer was added to add to the effect. The red is berry juice.

District meeting in the Ravensburg chapel

These three show the elders walking to a house, ringing the door bell and greeting a man there.

This is the Christmas meeting in Dornbirn

Now these are from this morning:


  1. Alright...was that last one BLOOD? I had to ask, because I am quite sure it is not, and there was no description. :) I have been away from here too long! Time to go catch up! Thanks for all the pictures and the glimpse into your life. Love you!

    1. The description was at the top. We needed a knife to cut up the frozen berries for a smoothie and I couldn't resist taking a picture of the countertop afterwards. The Schnitzel hammer was added to make it more interesting
