Monday, December 16, 2013

Sigmaringen - December 2013

We had an appointment in Sigmaringen (not a missionary appointment). While we were there, we visited the castle there.

This is a church across the street from the courthouse.

Derick and I approaching the marketplace

They set up a house as an Advents calendar. The previous days of the month are open, the others are still covered. Below is the public ice skating rink.

Derick at the entrance of the castle.

Waiting to go into the main castle area. They do not allow pictures except just barely in the entrance. That is what you will see here.

These are old rifles they placed on the castle walls to blast things (not necessarily bullets - rocks, glass, etc.) at the armies trying to storm the castle.

looking out a window into a courtyard

This part of the castle burned down in the late 1800's and was rebuilt. The architect and builder used more modern styles.

This castle was home to the Hollenzollerns, a royal family who were very prominent in European politics, many married royalty of other countries, such as France, Portugal, Romania, etc. Queen Victoria arranged for some of the marriages.

The basement contained a very large collection of weapons and armor. It was quite amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, maybe I did see has just felt like so long since I came to this blog to "chat" with my dad :). Love you!
