Wednesday, October 22, 2014

District Meeting with the Nine

It is interesting having nine now in our district (counting us, of course). With our three and the four elders in Dornbirn, we have a nice group of nine in the work of the Lord in our little corner or Europe (touching four countries!). We take turns meeting either in the Dornbirn, Austria church building (Dornbirn Ward) and in our apartment in Ravensburg Germany. The Dornbirn elders also cover a piece of Switzerland and the Feldkirch pair have an area that touches Liechtenstein (though no work is allowed in that country).

We had our meeting yesterday in our apartment. We are very thankful that we have a large living/dining area. Sister B taught a lesson on obediance and prayer in which she had a "role-play" for the elders to experience the concept of following the right voice and learning obedience. One elder was blind-folded and there were three "voices of the world" around him and two special voices, one good and the other not, trying to direct him to the goal. I was the voice of the prophet, giving general counsel and encouragement. A last elder was hidden away on our balcony (wrapped in a blanket because it was fairly cold out there. In the allotted time, the blindfolded elder was to find the hidden elder, as directed or distracted by the many voices. Elder Smith was successful! He determined which of the special voices was leading him astray and followed the correct voice, with the encouragement of the "prophet."

I am amazed at the spiritual maturity of the missionaries here, mostly still in their teens. They are marvelous to work with!

(L to R) Elders Christensen, Smith, Sister B, Elders Wulff, Zepp and Curtis.

Sister B (moving away) Elders Curtis, Johnson and Albrecht.

Yes, and we would be having a wonderful lunch afterwards (after the table was straightened around again).

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